Why I love Pinterest and why you should too! #secondlife

My Pinterest is a great place for me to virtually pin all the stuff I like

I’m loving my new Pinterest. Part bookmarks folder, part digital collage, part vision board, and all social, Pinterest is a armchair shopper’s dream.

Part of its incredible appeal, I’m sure, is its sheer simplicity. Just join up, get the bookmarklet on your browser, and pin stuff you like. In this way, it reminds me of Amazon’s wish list, only much more fun. As you pin images of things you like on boards, these pins get on the big public board, which enables others who like your pins to follow you. You can also follow those who’s pin boards you like.

Also, you can re-pin other people’s pins you like, like them, or comment on them. Have a look at my Pinterest if you want to see my work in progress, and once you’ve joined up, remember to follow me and I’ll follow you back!

If you’re a visual person like me, you’ll love how easy it is to pin the stuff you like into different pin boards relating to your interests. For example, I have pinboards for footwear I love, for hair that inspires me, for skins and tatoos that I want to live in, for accessories, for themed dress, for lingerie, and more.

I visit a lot of Second Life fashion blogs, and when I find something I like now, it’s so easy just to pin it, and come back to it later when I feel like I want to review it, and possibly buy it in world or on the marketplace. It also helps me see, very easily, which blogs tend to post the stuff I like, versus the ones that just don’t deliver (for me, anyway).

I also find stuff I like in RL, and pin it in the mix. This way, I’m reminded of what appealed to me when I might see it inworld, or on a blog.

Of course, it’s not all about fashion. You can create as many pinboards as you like – for places, people, gadgets, posters, whatever! As long as it’s visual, you’ll get a lot of out curating your own little “best of the best”.

Here are some incredible Pinterest statistics:

  • it’s retaining and engaging users as much as 2-3 times as efficiently as Twitter
  • it accounts for 3.6% of referral traffic to websites. Twitter, by comparison, accounts for 3.61% (and Twitter’s been around a lot longer!)
  • it has 10.4 million users
  • 97% of them are women, mostly between 25 and 24
  • people spend an average of an hour 1 hour 17 minutes on it, compared to 36 minutes on Twitter and 6 minutes on Google +

One thought on “Why I love Pinterest and why you should too! #secondlife

  1. I’ve been wondering about Printerest, seeing it here and there. I have sooo many social and blogging account and even setup Plurk (which I’ve been avoiding) last night. You bot me going here, sounds really great.


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